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February 28, 2012

Louis Kahn Speaks…

CURBED -- February 28, 2012 (excerpt) | Liz Spikol

(Art & Architecture from HunterReed on The video begins with the words of Louis Kahn — his rather impressionistic feelings about the way he approached his work, which couldn’t have been more different from this house on a hill in Malvern, PA.

The land was purchased in the 1970’s, and passed to the original owner’s daughter in the early 1990’s. She and her film-director husband assembled a team to build this 7,200 square foot home, including architect Peter Zimmerman, Mark Davis of C. Raymond Davis and Sons Builders, and Vincent Smith Durham, who did the interior and landscape design.

“The Story of Stillmeadow”, a narrative about the life story of the property, is truly inspiring or depressing, depending on your bent. If you grew up as a Kennedy or can entertain like Martha Stewart, you’ll feel a frisson of recognition. If you live in a two-room rental apartment, you’ll want to shoot yourself.

According to the brochure, “Film director M. Knight Shamalyan’s sprawling estate is visible from the back terrace of the residence, and pro athletes Roy Halladay, Ryan Madsen, and Cole Hamels have homes nearby.”

Phillies fans will be disappointed to learn that people in the area are described as “genteel” — that’s not a word they want associated with their sports team.

The 5-bedroom house, which has truly spectacular details, is on the market for $3.75 miilion. The property is listed with Steve DiFrancesco, a luxury real estate broker with Hunter Reed and Company Inc. in Haverford, PA.

— Liz Spikol