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April 24, 2014

Luxury Home Sales Have Remained Strong In County

Daily Local News | (excerpt)

While most of the recession-plagued real estate market stagnated for three years, some luxury sales have stayed strong. A perfect example is Marlborough Farm, a 55-acre property in Willistown, adjacent to the prestigious Radnor Hunt Club and White Manor Country Club. Steve DiFrancesco, of Hunter Reed and Company in Unionville, handled the sale of the property on December 29 to C. Graham Berwind, Jr. of Philadelphia. While DiFrancesco was not at liberty to give specifics of the deal, he could say that the seller rreceived”substantial” tax benefits by closing before the end of the year. The seller, Jack Clegg, chairman of JBS Investment Banking and CEO of Nobel Education Dynamics, bought the property in 1988 and hired Hunter Reed to find a buyer when …